
SVrefine reads a delta-formatted file of MUMmer alignments of an assembly to the reference to call structural variants (or refine variants in chosen genomic regions) and print them out in VCF format.

Usage --delta <path to delta file of alignments> --regions <path to BED-formatted file of regions> --ref_fasta <path to reference multi-FASTA file> --query_fasta <path to query multi-FASTA file> --outvcf <path to output VCF file> --svregions <path to output BED file of SV regions> --outref <path to bed file of homozygous reference regions> --nocov <path to bed file of regions with no coverage>


Option Description
–help|–manual Display documentation.
–delta Path to a delta file produced by MUMmer with alignments to be used for retrieving SVs.
–regions Path to a BED file of regions to be investigated for structural variants in the assembly (Optional).
–ref_fasta Path to a multi-fasta file containing the sequences used as a reference in the MUMmer alignment (Optional).
–query_fasta Path to a multi-fasta file containing the sequences used as a query in the MUMmer alignment (Optional).
–outvcf Path to which to write a new VCF-formatted file of structural variants.
–refname String to include as the reference name in the VCF header.
–samplename String to include as the sample name in the output VCF file.
–maxsize Specify an integer for the maximum size of SV to report.
–noheader Flag option to suppress printout of the VCF header.
–nocov Path to write a BED file with “no coverage” regions (only used when –regions option is specified).